Tuesday, August 07, 2007

What I Think I Know...

Man, mix a busy week with the Lions with a vacationing co-host, and you quickly realize there's not much time to blog! Sorry for the two-week hiatus, but here's what I think know right now:

1) If last week's loss was as bad as the BC Lions are going to look all year, the rest of the CFL is in trouble. The Roughriders have been the next best team in the league to the Leos thus far, but could only manage a 21-9 win at BC Place. Hey, I know that a win is a win, but the Lions had 2 QB's, their top run-stopping linebacker, 2 starters in the secondary and a starting slotback on the shelf. And they were still in this game until the final minutes. Watch out if they get healthy - especially if they get Dave Dickenson back. The Leos are still a league-best 5-1 out of the gate...

2) I'm sick of the yearly Holdout Harem in the NFL. Brady Quinn finally signed a contract today after missing 10 days of training camp. Am I the only one who watched him free-fall on draft day? Why would he not get his a$$ to training camp ASAP and prove that he was overlooked instead of busting bicep curls in the gym? Jamarcus Russell continues to play hardball with Al Davis even though Daunte Culpepper just swiped his gig as opening day starter in Oakland. Hey, I know these guys (and the other holdouts) had great college stats and combine scores. But we've seen "can't miss" prospects implode numerous times before. Maybe instead of trying to nail down another $50K in your ROOKIE CONTRACT, these guys should bust a call to Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith or Tim Couch and try to figure out what went wrong for them. If you're as good as you think you are, prove it.

3) Hate him if you want, but Rory Sabbatini is good for golf. Sure he's called out Tiger on a couple of occasions this year and been put in his place (including getting smoked on the weekend at the Bridgestone), but that smacktalk is the only thing that's brought out the best in Tiger all year. Face it - Tiger Woods is at a point in his career where NOBODY presents a consistent challenge for him. When Phil Mickelson is at his best (which is seemingly NEVER in the past year), he might be the only guy with enough talent to give Tiger a run for his money. But dominance can very easily lead to complacency; if there's no one there to push you (OR PUSH YOUR BUTTONS), you don't push yourself as hard. I hope Sabbatini continues to spout off. It stirs up the PGA which is far too vanilla on most occasions, and it might be the only thing that pushes Tiger to amaze us in the near future.

4) Gary Bettman officially hates Jim Balsillie. How else do you explain the quick and tidy purchase of the Tampa Bay Lightning by a group headed up by Doug Maclean? As far as the public knew, the Lightning weren't for sale (the Preds are), there weren't multiple offers (there are for the Preds) and the sale appears to be smooth and easy for less money than Balsillie was offering for the Nashville franchise. Yes, you'd better drink the Kool-Aid the NHL is serving up because Bettman isn't about to lend a helping hand to those that aren't using theirs to pat him on the back.

5) Tom Brady continues to lead the list of athletes I'd want to change places with for a month or two. He just turned 30 the other day and check this out:
- He's already won 3 Super Bowl (and 2 Super Bowl MVP's)
- His past and present girlfriends include actress Bridget Monahan and supermodel Gisele
- He's just been named World's Best Dressed Man by Esquire Magazine

Throw in the fact that he plays the most challenging position in all of sports in a great city like Boston, and what else do you want?

That's it for now, but you know there's still more stuff I think I know... I just don't know it yet.

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